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Hyde Pod's Story

Mar 15

Hyde went into surgery on Tuesday, March 11. The doctor said it was about an hour long surgery. He spent the night at the vet and would come home when he was walking stable- it was all up to him on how fast he would push himself. Hyde dogg came home the next day around 11am. The nurse said he jumped up as soon as the cage opened and only hesitated to come up the step back into the vet office after going outside.

He was all smiles on the car ride home! Even wearing the dreadful cone!

photo (2)

6 comments so far

  1. trituck
    11:05 am - 3-15-2014

    Hyde…you look wonderful!

    Remember this next two weeks may be a bit of a roller coaster as Hyde heals and adjusts to being a tripawd but he sure looks happy here.


    Linda and Tucker

    • jkripton
      1:03 pm - 3-15-2014

      Thank you! Before surgery Hyde was in a lot of pain, hardly ever putting,his fourth down. I think he started practicing for his new life a little early! Today, He’s been begging me to walk him, trying to jump in the couch….and acting bored when I say no, but soon. Yesterday he walked the front 1/2 of my building 3 times as we went out to the bathroom. Stronger each day!

  2. elizabeth
    1:43 pm - 3-15-2014

    Oh my Hyde! You look marvelous!!! Looks like he is SO happy that darn nuisance leg is gone!

    • jkripton
      2:56 pm - 3-15-2014

      He’s becoming more himself everyday! That happy grin is his staple!

  3. maximutt
    2:24 pm - 3-15-2014

    So glad to hear Hyde is back home where he belongs!! That really was a nasty looking tumor he had, so glad it’s GONE!!! Be sure to tell Hyde he needs to rest these next couple of weeks so he can recover properly. He probably won’t like that because he looks like a super active dog! He’ll be back to his regular routine soon enough!!

    • jkripton
      2:54 pm - 3-15-2014

      It was a nasty tumor! That’s why we amputated before biopsy, it was growing so fast I didn’t want to wait any longer. The doctor would have done it on the same Thursday he was diagnosed, but I couldn’t have him do it without being there and having a face to face conversation with her. After that, we took the next available appointment! He does need to rest, which he doesn’t like. I hear lots of sighs when he is told to lay on his bed. 🙂 glad to see his spirit up!

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