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Hyde Pod's Story

Mar 22

I took Hyde to the vet this morning because over the last 2 days I noticed he was extra tired. Yesterday when petting his neck area he cried twice and while eating his food he yelped. His tail has been between his legs so it’s obvious that something is off. I wanted them to take off his bandage and check the stitches, make sure there was no infection. They did and said he was looking good, but there was a little redness, skin irritation around the area and a tiny bit of swelling. To be safe they gave me an antibiotic to take. Simplicef 200mg. He should take it for a week. They also iced his area and put a cream around the red parts to help soothe it.

Then, to my surprise, the results came in. I had been waiting 10 days (today is 10) and called 2x to see if they were in. I guess they came in late last night and the doctor thought she would wait until Monday to call me because “she wanted me to have a good weekend.” I guess what she didn’t realize was that not knowing, to me, wastes time and was upsetting me more.

Hyde’s tumor was Osteosarcoma. They took the lymphoid around it (which was swollen) and GOOD NEWS it came back as “reactive lymphoid hyperplasia and edema” which means that no evidence of metastasis were found in the lymph node area and we caught the cancer early.

The doctor said that at best I should prepare for a year with my guy…… and then went on to talk about chemo and radiation and all sorts of things. Truthfully, I’m really leaning towards a homeopathic approach and want to do everything I can to support his life being happy and “healthy,” and strong. I’m not sure that chemo and radiation would support that plan. I have contact information for a few vets in the area that focus on the natural approach, I have yet to get through, their lines are busy, or they are closed- but that’s one plan I have. I will also contact traditional oncologists and hear that perspective too– nothing is ruled out– but I’m leaning towards the natural approach.

5 comments so far

  1. krun15
    7:26 pm - 3-22-2014

    You are smart to educate yourself on all the options. I’ve dealt with three cancers in two pugs. Tri-pug Maggie did chemo for mast cell cancer after her amp. Later she developed oral melanoma, which for lots of reasons I didn’t really treat. Mag’s little sis Tani also has mast cell cancer. This time I am treating her with herbs and supplements. Look at all your options, factor in everything (costs, health, beliefs, age, etc), then make your decision. There is no one right answer, except for what you think is right for Hyde and the whole pack!
    I hope the rest of Hyde’s recovery is uneventful.

    Karen and Spirit Maggie

  2. benny55
    8:52 am - 3-23-2014

    Sounds like Hyde is having a pretty typical recovery…not feeling like a pawtynyet, but getting therez! It’s still very early on and he does need to rest.

    You have time to continue to do your research. Lots of options out there and, unfortunately, no guarantee with any of them one way or another!!

    There is lots of dialogue on the forums about which protocol, if any, people chose and why. Wish I was savvy enough to tell you specifically how to “search” it because it’s prerty informative. You could post the question again anyway and see what respnses you get.

    As Karen said, there are NO right or weong answers. You know Hyde better than anyone and you will determne what’s inhis best interest.

    One thing that is required to make him feel better is topostpictures ofhim ere!!! Okay, omay, it makes US feel better too! Would love ro see photos of him when you can.

    Sending you lots of hugs and good wishes for sweet Hyde!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. jkripton
    5:20 pm - 3-23-2014

    Thank you both! I will keep posting pictures, and update everyone with our plans to keeping Hyde strong.

    Today plan one was to sew up at shirt sleeve so he could wear the shirt over his bandage and protect him from licking his area. The stitches are getting itchy.

  4. jerry
    3:35 am - 3-24-2014

    Ohh sorry you had to wait so long. You are very wise, I can tell you’ll do what your heart is telling you to do for Hyde. Follow your gut feeling and you can’t go wrong.

    The itchy stitches are so icky. Ask your vet but aloe vera or a spray called “Humilac” may help alleviate any irritation.

    Good luck this week, let us know how your vet visits go. Remember, information is power. The more you know about your options, the better decision you can make for Hyde. We’ll support you no matter what.

  5. jkripton
    7:41 pm - 3-24-2014

    Thank you Jerry. I really appreciate the support of this website and these forums. It’s given me a great deal of information to better helping Hyde. From what I read (I’m pretty sure it was from you) did you use K9 Immunity with your dog? Did you use the Immunity Plus, or did you use multiple supplements and give them separately?

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