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Hyde Pod's Story

Mar 24

Day 12 – Hyde is done with his Rimadyl, so yesterday and today he has been on Tramadyl (1 pill -2x per day) glucosamine (1 pill-2x per day) and 1 fish oil pill each day. I’ve changed his diet from dog food to human food. Over the last several days I’ve been researching “The Cancer Diet,” and finding information about what foods he should eat to help him fight off and slow down cancer. There was nothing wrong with his dog food, he was eating Blue Buffalo Life Solutions Formula, which is great dog food, but I felt that he would be happier eating human food. Happy Hyde = Motivated Hyde = Stronger Hyde!

To say Hyde is spoiled is an understatement… but what I tell him is good dogs get good things and he’s simply the best. I bought a carpet to put under the couch so he wouldn’t slip jumping up or down. I was supposed to wait until the stitches come out (Wednesday), but as you can see Hyde tested out the new carpet and he’s happy as can be in his old spot.

I scheduled an appointment for this Friday at a Natural Vet. It’s called “Natural Pet Animal Hospital and Apawthecary” it’s Dr. Karen Becker’s practice in Bourbonnais, IL, we’ll be seeing one of her colleagues. I had a chance to talk with 2 vets today, one traditional and this one. Over the phone I asked questions about cost, typical treatments, and how open/closed minded they were to trying various therapies. I’ve been researching and finding different supplements, food diets, treatments that people have done to support their dogs, I wondered if I brought some information with me, how open they would be to discussing it/using it etc. The traditional vet immediately acted like I was crazy for thinking of doing anything but Chemo/Radiation. The Natural Vet said we want to work with you, talk things through and do whatever is best for Hyde. I understand everyone has their own path/beliefs. I just like the feeling of someone working with me, also not ruling out possibilities, and looking at Hyde, not the treatment.

Here’s my thoughts for now: From everything I’ve been told/read about Chemo/Radiation will “double” the amount of time I have left with Hyde. So if I have 2 months, I’ll get 4, 4 months I’ll get 8 etc. Some dogs are really effected by the treatment and others don’t skip a beat. Chemo/Radiation slow down the rate of cancer, but they don’t cure the dog. For now, the side effects seem to great of a risk for me. I don’t want to chance the time I have left with Hyde is spent dealing with side effects/illness. I want him to be happy and strong and I believe I can find the right protocol with natural remedies/supplements and supportive diet that will do that for him. I’m very excited to hear what this doctor will help me with- I will share all about it afterwards.


3 comments so far

  1. Angela
    11:06 pm - 3-24-2014

    Hyde is looking very comfy on that couch! and look at that smile! So great to see. We also chose no chemo for cody and have decided to go with new food (a raw dog food and low carb kibble) and a homeopathic treatment. Good luck to you and Hyde I hope the vet you’re going to is as great in person as they sounded from the phone call!

    Cody and Family

  2. benny55
    1:30 am - 3-25-2014

    Yes indeedy! Hyde IS smiling!! Look at that grin!!

    His thought bubble is, “Yeah, I’m spoiled rotten and I’m gonna milk thks tripawd thing for all it’s worth!”

    You are doing a great job doing research! I’m glad you have the appt. with The Natural Vet. You seem to jave a good feeling already.

    This IS adifficult decision as far as what route to take. I can only say that the majority of the dogs havd no side effects from Carboplatin. The ones that do, it’s usually very mild…loss of appetite for a day or two…maybe a little nausea (which they give you pills for) and maybe a little lethargy for a day or two. Just wanted to throw that out there as that was a concern of yours.

    Now, that said, so e dogs seemingly get “extended” time with chemo…..some do not! Some seemingly get extended time going the holistic approach…some do not! Some with Metronomics…some without……and on and on!

    There truly are no right or wrong decisions!! Every decision is made out of love for Hyde and those are always the right decisions!!!

    As you already know, QUALITY is what it’s all about!! And Hyde cleary has mastered that already!! You know Hyde better than anyone. Follow your heart, listen to Hyde, that’s where you’ll find your answer!

    REALLY look forward to hearing about your appointment.

    Thanks for shsring that adorable picture! A loved and spoiled Hyde = a happy Hyde!!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  3. jerry
    2:11 pm - 3-25-2014

    Oh Hyde you sure are living it up. Lucky Dawg!

    Yay for your Momma for investigating all of your options for coping with cancer. She is absolutely right; there are no guarantees, only statistics that are sometimes true but often aren’t. Cancer survival times are a luck of the draw in the end, what matters is that the things you do to increase your chances make your quality of life enjoyable and fun. There is no right answer for everyone, just the best answer for you.

    Yes, we will be looking forward to hearing all about the path you will be taking. How cool you get to go to Dr. Becker’s clinic! Keep us posted.

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