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Hyde Pod's Story

Apr 26

I honestly cannot believe I’m writing this message. I’m incredibly sad to be sharing this information, but I had to take Hyde to the vet yesterday because he coughed up some blood. (A very small amount). On Wednesday this past week (super late at night) he started coughing while he was eating a bone. I heard the cough again a couple times on Thursday. On Friday morning he didn’t want to go for a walk in the AM, only out to go to the bathroom and on our way back up the stairs he coughed and blood came out. My heart sank. Through all the research I’ve done, I had a feeling what the doctor would tell me, but wished more than anything I was wrong.

Hyde got chest x-rays and it looks like his cancer has spread. The vet and radiologist confirmed there are Mets in his lungs. They can be seen as the darker circles in the picture. The largest is the circle on the back end of the photo and there are some down in the front too.

There were no indications at the time of amputation surgery that the cancer had spread. I asked the doctor if he was surprised to see what he has seen and he said “Nothing with Osteosarcoma surprises me.”

I’m still not interested in doing any medically based treatments for him, so I asked that the doctor’s report be sent to the natural vet and when they open up on Monday we’ll discuss the next steps for Hyde Man. I found this article a while ago and I’m going to send it to my natural vet to have them look at the protocol listed for this dog. I don’t want to be unrealistic about our future, but if something worked for another dog, then it’s worth a shot in my eyes to find something for my Hyde that might work too.

Send him some love!

Chest X-ray 4-25-2014

Chest X-ray 4-25-2014

11 comments so far

  1. maximutt
    12:10 am - 4-27-2014

    I’m really sorry to hear this about Hyde. This cancer is very sneaky and doesn’t play fair. But I know Hyde is a fighter, and will give his all in this battle. I also know that the whole Tripawds Nation is standing behind Hyde, fighting with him. Will be sending positive thoughts to your boy.

  2. elizabeth
    12:15 am - 4-27-2014

    i’m so sorry to hear this. We’re pulling for you Hyde, sending lots of positive thoughts your way!


  3. snoop
    1:01 am - 4-27-2014

    We are so sorry to read thus update about Hyde.
    Sending you positive thoughts and love,
    Esther and her Snoop

  4. sebastian
    1:11 am - 4-27-2014

    I’m so sorry that this has happened. Hyde has a strong spirit and I’m betting he’ll fight hard! Lots of love for Hyde!!

  5. roxiesmom
    5:03 am - 4-27-2014

    Sending love and hugs and smooches and pawsitive thoughts to you and Hyde. Keeping you in our hearts.

    -Liz and Angel Roxie

  6. trituck
    11:49 am - 4-27-2014

    I’m sorry to hear about this!

    Sending you pawsitive thoughts and prayers for you and Hyde.

    Linda and Tucker

  7. jkripton
    2:05 pm - 4-27-2014

    Thank you everyone. I never posted the link to the article like I had wanted: Here it is:

  8. Angela
    2:07 pm - 4-27-2014

    sending lots of love your way!

    Cody and Family

  9. penny4weims
    7:27 pm - 4-27-2014

    I’m very sorry to hear about Hyde having lung mets. I had my dog’s leg amputated about a year ago for OS and at that time the chest xray was clear. About 3.5 months later she started coughing and acting lethargic. Like you I had read enough stories to know what it was. Her chest xray showed several tumors. We all hope our dogs and cats can be one of the lucky ones who get 1 or 2 years but alas was not meant to be for my girl. I did metronomics for my girl but not sure it helped. We just hung out, took slow walks, gave her lots of treats until she passed on. Good luck with your journey, it’s not easy but Hyde was out of pain with that leg gone and that’s a good thing and I’m sure he is grateful you did that.

  10. benny55
    3:03 am - 4-28-2014

    Well ow Mr. Hyde Pod, did you feel like you weren’t getting enough attention? I happen to know you are getting more attention, more loving and more spoiling than most dogs get in a dozen lifetimes! And I also happen to know you plan on staying around a long time to get more of the same!

    I read the link on someof the “holistic” approaches…very promising indeed! I’m not computer savvy enough to tell you how to get to the links…but there is a lot of information on the site about holostic/complimentary therapies.

    I kow various mushroom tjerapies have shown promise…also “marshmallow fresh root” liquid herb is supposed to be good for lung “issues”. Also…and ask your vet…but I think you can actualy get over the counter cough medicine to help with his cough.

    Also, my Happy Hannah had a huge lung met for many, many months and had really good quality and thoroughly enjoyed her life! She got tons of tummy rubs, treats, kisses, enjoyment of sunny days and lots of snuggles! Being “tired” is not “painful”…it just means more tummy rubs while snuggling!

    Most importantly…LET NOTHING ROB YOU OF YOUR TIME TOGETHER!! Nothing has changed in Hyde’s world! He’s not worrying about a thing! He’s just loving living in te moment with you!

    Keep us posted! As you kow, we’d LOVE to see more pics of that cutie pie!

    Sending you lots of healing hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  11. jerry
    5:07 pm - 4-28-2014

    Oh guys I just saw this, I’m SO VERY SORRY. Dammit cancer YOU SUCK.

    OK here’s the thing; don’t give up. Mets can be treated and managed non-surgically, we were able to do it for far longer than anyone thought.

    Have you seen this info? I hope it helps:

    How to Help Coughing From Lung Mets

    “Breathing Through Cancer – how to prevent lung failure and control lung metastasis”

    This Tripawd Talk Radio podcast with holistic veterinarian Dr. Lena McCullough discusses her therapeutic approach to lung mets in dogs and cats. – See more at:

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