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Hyde Pod's Story

Apr 30

The theme of this week has been “warrior spirit.” I shared with my Facebook page Hyde’s diagnosis, and just like this page, I’ve gotten nothing but love and support from all. One theme that’s come up time and time again is Hyde’s spirit, and mine. A friend said “always believe,” and that’s where I’m at with things….I’ve read a lot of different things (good and bad) and I believe that Hyde’s getting the best of the best. A plan that will make sure however long his life is, he’s happy and carrying on with his warrior spirit.

I spoke with my Natural Vet and had given her a list of 6 things I wanted to look into adding/changing with his current protocol. Here is what I sent her:

1. Artemismin

2. Molasses

3. Flaxseed Oil

4. Sanshedan ChuanBe/Ye

5. Xhu Fu ZhuTuTang

6. Zi ao Chai Hu Tang

The 3 Chinese Herbs/Formulas are things I read about working with dogs who have Lung Mets/Osteosarcoma.

Here is what she and talked about:

1. Artemisin (not scientifically proven, but there have been several studies with it working on both humans and dogs to treat/slow cancer growth).

Hyde is going to take 100mg 2x per day (as soon as our shipment comes in).

I read that Vitamin E should be added to a dog’s diet when taking Artemisin. The doctor said it’s to help absorb everything, but Hyde is already on 400mg a day and recommended would be up to 500mg a day, so he’s good.

2. She wasn’t familiar with the Sanshedan ChuanBe/Ye, but would be adding to her list of things to research.

3. He will start taking the Xhu Fu ZhuYuTang which is to help break up Lung Mets.

4. At this time Hyde should not take the Xi ao Chai Hu Tang- she said he didn’t meet the criteria for someone who needs this, or would benefit from it.

5. Flaxseed Oil – no harm in taking it, but less important than everything else since he’s already taking the fish/Krill oils.

6. Molasses (Black Strap) – He’ll begin taking 1tsp 1-2x per day .

7. Selenium – He’ll start taking this 100mg daily.

8. Vitamin A + Vitamin D. She found a combo pill for me that is 10,000 iu of A and 400 iu of D. He’ll take this 2x per day.

Everything we’re adding is to be added slowly, not to upset his stomach. I also bought a few things to add to his food. 1 is called “Dr Becker’s Veratol Solution Shaker.” and the other is called “Dr Becker’s Immune System Solutions Shaker.”

I’m not being unrealistic about our future, but he deserves every chance…that’s what  warrior does, they don’t give up! photo (18)


6 comments so far

  1. benny55
    12:09 am - 5-1-2014

    Hyde Pod, look at you!! You are indeed one strong and fit Warrior!! And you have gone to battle with a great team and a great plan of assult!!!

    Thankyou for sharing your treatment plan. I’m going to make sure debva–Lexie sees this. She was just asking about some of these specific herbs.

    I know Dr Dresslor (The Dog Cancer Book guide) redommends some of these too. If you can, order it from the link on the site or “download” it. think you’ll find some helpful info., as well as “validation” of some of the herbs you are using.

    I know Artemisin is used a lot. I think the fish oil is a great idea as well.

    Can’t remember if I mentioned Mashmallow liquid herb tonyou or not. That’s supposed tl be good for “lung issues”.

    You ARE giving the Hyde Pod a really, really good chance at some qgreat quality time WITHOUT compromising his well being and WITH allowing him to live his life Hyde’s way!!

    And I know he is loving the spoiling and loving and soaking up all the joy of being by your side!! Just like Hyde, let NOTHING rob you od this wonderful time together!!

    Keep taking those pics of that magnificent Hyde! He is enjoying life and that is all that matters!! And we love to see pics of our happy Hyde…he’s so darn cute!!

    We’re all cheering for you Warrior Hyde and Warrior Mom!!!

    Love and hugs!

    Sally and Happy Hannah

    • jkripton
      2:39 pm - 5-4-2014

      Thank you so much for your ideas/info/support!

  2. benny55
    12:12 am - 5-1-2014

    One more thing….being optimistic about his future is just a realistic as not being!! Since no one knows the future anyway…go with optimistic realism!!!! Yep! That’s what Warriors do!!

    • jkripton
      2:39 pm - 5-4-2014

      THank you

  3. jerry
    7:12 pm - 5-1-2014

    You guys ROCK, what an awesome way to approach this next phase. A wise oncologist once told us that we can’t look at cancer as something to “fight” but rather just another health condition to manage. Doing so will help keep us sane and stay pawsitive by knowing that it definitely can be managed-in what amount of time, nobody knows, but by taking such an optimistic/realistic approach, you and the pack will be making the most of life. Kudos to you.

    I love this info, may we share it in our Nutrition blog? Let me know OK? Thanks!

    • jkripton
      2:38 pm - 5-4-2014

      Hi Jerry,

      I had trouble writing back to you sooner, Yes! Please share anything about Hyde dogg!

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