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Hyde Pod's Story

May 10

Yesterday Hyde earned his angel wings. He went out on top…. Living his perfect day. I am very proud of him and the fight he gave. He really didn’t let cancer take his warrior spirit.


Try clicking this link- I tried to get it to work again. Thanks for wanting to see my Happy Hyde 🙂



9 comments so far

  1. benny55
    5:25 pm - 5-10-2014

    This site can be the saddest place in the world sometimes…and today is one of them.

    My heart breaks for you and I’m sobbing with you. I’m really not much good to you right now as I know the hurt is so painful words cannot do much.

    Hyde lived every single day in the moment and thrived as weel as he did because of ALL the loving and spoiling and non-stop fun he had with you by his side.

    And you darn right……that stupid piece of crap disease did not touch his spirit…did not invade his soul and certainly did ot rob him of playing full out right til the crossover…….doing things Hyde Pod’s way on his terms!!

    I know the void will be unbearable and the ache in yor heart will not subside for a very lng time. I also know yo did everything possible for Hyde and, although his whole life withnyou has been filled with loving and spoiling…..nothing compared to the lovng and spoilng he got these last months!!

    I’m ot able to see the facebook pics (I thinkit’s because I ave a tablet….or simply because I’m computer stupid…-.but I will NEVER forget that wonderful video you posted recently of him playing with that frisbee! OMD!! Hyde was the happiest dog in the Universe that day!! May you always hold those memories in your heart.

    When you can…and if yo can…I hope you’ll continue to post more pics of Hyde and share some more about him.

    I feel in love with him on your first post. Such a happy, fun loving boy.

    I’m so very, very, very sorry. It hurts so badly. I don’t have any answers, just know I’m here for you and I understand.

    PLEASE KNOW THIS—HYDE WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN HERE!! NEVER! He lived a life of meaning and he touched us all!

    Holding you gently in my heart.

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. jkripton
    5:38 pm - 5-10-2014

    Thank you! I will check the link when I get to a computer vas will share all
    About him! He was my world, now my angel! Probably Already with a girlfriend, swimming and playing frisbee!

    • 4myty
      6:30 pm - 5-10-2014

      I am so sorry for your loss of sweet Hyde. I am sure he has found a frisbee. He lived life to the fullest till the end. Yes they do leave a huge void when they go. May the memories that you hold close in your heart comfort you. Love from, Lori and Ty

  3. Codie Rae
    2:59 am - 5-11-2014

    We are so sorry to hear that Hyde has earned his wings but happy that he did so on his own terms! Run free sweet boy!
    Sending you lots of love and tripawd strength,
    Martha and the Oaktown Pack

  4. maximutt
    5:10 am - 5-11-2014

    I’m so sorry to hear Hyde Pod’s journey has ended. I know he fought such a brave battle. Thank you for sharing your boy with us.

  5. Linda Morrice
    10:36 am - 5-11-2014

    I am so sorry to hear that Hyde has crossed the Rainbow bridge. I hope you take comfort in knowing you did all you could for him!

    Linda and Tucker

  6. jerry
    1:01 pm - 5-11-2014

    Oh no! You guys, my heart aches for you, I’m so sorry. You and Hyde gave is such an amazing, courageous fight, we will never forget your spirit and the way you gave cancer the kick in the butt that it deserves. May Hyde’s spirit always keep a loving embrace around your heart and that of this community. Please know you are in our thoughts.

    P.S. yes I double-checked the URL of that link, it’s not working. I’m ready to help if you have trouble posting photos, just holler oK?

  7. jkripton
    2:59 pm - 5-11-2014

    I appreciate more than anything the love and support for Hyde dogg! (and me). He was the absolute best part of the last 7 years.


  8. benny55
    10:25 pm - 5-11-2014

    I just saw the photos on my tablet. THANK YOU! To see him like that…sooo happy…..soooo Hyde…..a Warrior in very sense of the world…OMD! Yeah, I’m crying and yeah, I’m smiling And I’m cheering…”GOOD FOR YOU HYDE!! GREAT JOB!! “”

    Jordan…that first picture…..both of you lookingupin sync…..both of you keeping your eyes on the “prize”…..the frisbee leading him “up” to a life where he can continie to pay fullout and non-stop without ever tiring!

    I envision as dogs go into another dimension, they are al offered their leg back. I also envision some, like Hyde, who say’ “Nah, you can keep it, I didn’t really need it anyway!”

    I’m sure my Happy Hannah greeted Hyde with some ice cream and M&Ms! Hyde offered her one of his gazzillion shiny new frisbees and she offered him one of her gazillion “couch potato” sofas! Both declinig the other one’s generous offer.

    Stay connected to us This is NOT an easy time…and it won’t be for a very long time. We understand. We love Hyde. We are all family.

    And, yes, as you can, pleeeeeeeease more Hyde Pod picss and stories. Such a happy, happy, wellloved boy…….always remember that amd the love and happiness he had just being with you.

    Sally ad Happy Hannah

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