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Hyde Pod's Story

May 17

Make your pup a trading card and Blue buffalo will donate$1.00 to canine cancer research! Let’s find a cure!

Check out HandsomeHyde’s!

5 comments so far

  1. benny55
    5:42 am - 5-17-2014

    Jordan, this is a GREAT way to pay tribute to Hyde Pod!!

    And maybe the Blue Buffalo Foundation will be the one to make a differemce. Maybe when “they” see Hyde’s picture…so noble…so happy…they will even be more motivated to find a cure!!

    I couldn’t quite read Hyde’s card…old eues and a small tablet are the challenge! I could see his favorite toy…frisbee butit was jard for me to make the rest out. Could see he didn’t like Monday mornings and he did like snuggles. Couldn’t quite make out his favorite day…would love to know that one….and liked chewing cookies (?) on the bed (couldn’t read that either). Would love for you to fill in what I’m missing when you can.

    I’ll definitely check this out and honor my Happh Hannah this way too. Thanks for sharing this…it’s a great way to honor our best friends in the whole wide world!

    I KNOW this is still very, very hard for you amd the ache is still with you non-stop. Just remember, most of us here understand al too well. Check out the various threads on grief and maybe you will find something that brings yu comfort…evenif for only a minute.

    No matter what, You still have to smile everytime you see the pure joy in Hyde’s eyes and in his infectious smile when he was chasingnhis frisbee!! Such a happy happy boy!

    Surrounding you with Hyde’s vibrant and loving energy.

    Sally and Happy Hannah

  2. mom2shelby
    3:15 pm - 5-17-2014

    how do you make these? I want one for Shelby!

  3. Jordan
    5:30 pm - 5-17-2014

    Go to and click trading Cards. You’ll have to sign up for an account, but it’s free 🙂

  4. Jordan
    7:12 pm - 5-17-2014

    That’s awesome!! Spread the word! It’s so easy to do, and for every card they will donate a dollar to research! Plus we get to share our amazing pets with the world!

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