Jun 18

Welcome Audrey and Brennan- who put together make up my Hyde. She is spunky nd wild. He is sweet and calm. I said Hyde sent them to me
because he knew that I needed to fill a void- he was just so awesome that one wouldn’t be enough. They are three months, shelter dogs from Tennessee:)
10 comments so far
4:49 pm - 6-18-2014
Oh my gosh you guys, congratulations! They are so sweet and I’m sure keeping you very very busy as Hyde looks on and watches over all of you. We’d love to hear more about these sweeties and follow along with your adventures. YAAY! Doggie love rules!
8:41 pm - 6-18-2014
OMD – Hyde definitely chose two wonderful companions for you to love 🙂
Enjoy the puppy breath and all the firsts.
Linda and Tucker
4:38 am - 6-19-2014
Oh Jordan, I’m so hapoy for you! I knowmit’s bittersweet and I also know these two are EXACTLY what you need to help yor heart heal.
Hyde Pod can NEVER be replaced, but he sure can bring you these two precious souls to experience what love feels like!! Hyde wants you to be happy that’s for sure! He knows how bigyour heart is and he left a big wholein it when he crossed over. These two will help fill that void!
Okay, I’m posting this to yoj after it’s already disappeared from the forms page. Those blogs don’t stay up very long sometimes. Anuway, I’ getting to a point!
I also nave an announcement to make! If I can get this stupid tavlet and nternet server working, I’m going to try and post a thread…..a d pictures……. tomorrow. I never learned how to do blogs. Shhhhhh …..it’s a secret til tomorrow!
Thanknyoj for updating us today and for sharing tese precius pups! Kudos to you for adopting! Hyde…you picked out two cuties!!
Have your forget-me-nots bloomed yet? I love that idea with the food bowl.
Look forward to hearing more avout the journey of these two! Kee these cute hotos coming!
Love and light!
Sally and Happy Hannah
7:51 pm - 6-19-2014
Thanks everyone- these two are the perfect combo. My Brennan also picks sticks that are triple his size! 🙂