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Hyde Pod's Story

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Aug 01




It’s been almost 3 months since Hyde’s last day and I don’t think there’s a day I don’t think about him, or tell a story about him. He sent me two amazing pups who are keeping me very busy and very happy. Each day one does something that makes me think, “Hyde would do the exact same thing.”


Audrey is the most similar to Hyde’s puppy days, wild, crazy, independent, and so smart. Brennan loves sticks and also finds the ones that are 3x his size. He’s proud, just like Hyde man.


Today I finished Hyde’s latest tribute. A paw print, a bone, 2 favorite toys,  his ashes,  a picture of him, sleeping soundly on the couch (he had away of making every spot look the most comfortable), and a plaque that speaks the truth. (If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever).



Jun 18


Welcome Audrey and Brennan- who put together make up my Hyde. She is spunky nd wild. He is sweet and calm. I said Hyde sent them to me

because he knew that I needed to fill a void- he was just so awesome that one wouldn’t be enough. They are three months, shelter dogs from Tennessee:)



May 31

I have a new ornament, a garden stone that is on my porch (Hyde always loved watching me water plants) and the one that says If love could have saved you, you would live forever, ready to be hung in my room under a picture of him. I have a shadow box I need to make (where his Frisbee will stay) and then I think I’m in good shape.


I got got him cream ages and they made two paw prints, one for me and one for my roommate. I laugh looking at them because there is mud on the prints and hair. He made them his own and that makes me smile so much! I obviously expected to be sad, but I never realized how much he was apart of everything I did. We had a thunderstorm or two and I felt bad that I didn’t get a chance to be with him or give him his thunder jacket because he hated storms. Or I are panera and realized I had no one to share my soup with :)… So silly


but on the one week mark of Hyde’s last day I had a dream that makes me smile and feel fantastic. He had 4 legs…which I wondered about… But there were muddy footprints all over my wall in the bedroom. I woke up and asked him about it… With the biggest smile he spoke back to me and said ‘I’m sorry Ma- it’s just been so much fun, I’ve been having a hell of a time, and on Thursday it rained like crazy… Mud is everywhere- it’s awesome” – both in my dream and in real life all I could do is smile … That’s my guy- letting me know he’s good- he’s with me and he’s happy. 🙂

More pictures when the rest of his memorials are complete!

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May 30

Hyde was an angel to me, I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to figure out ways to honor him and remember what light he brought to me. I’ve taken all the big sticks he brought home on our walks and pulled them together with his leash and collar. Next to them is this saying. It sits above my TV and reminds me of all the adventures we had. I love it!

I have more to share and will post soon…. I have a lot to do to honor my pup!


May 17

Make your pup a trading card and Blue buffalo will donate$1.00 to canine cancer research! Let’s find a cure!

Check out HandsomeHyde’s!

May 10

Yesterday Hyde earned his angel wings. He went out on top…. Living his perfect day. I am very proud of him and the fight he gave. He really didn’t let cancer take his warrior spirit.


Try clicking this link- I tried to get it to work again. Thanks for wanting to see my Happy Hyde 🙂



May 04

It’s been an exhausting time, unsure about Hyde Dogg’s time with me, we have highs and lows. There are days his energy is normal and I wouldn’t know anything was wrong. There are days where I’m unsure if we’ll make it through the night. I guess that’s his warrior spirit- living the life he wants to have. Late last week we started the Molasses, Artemisin, and Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang, and both of Dr. Becker’s Shaker Solutions (PetsVeratrol and Immune). I’m going to add the vitamins suggested by my doctor starting tomorrow. What I thought about this morning is that I’ve only heard him cough 3 times since we had our x-rays 1.2 weeks ago. That’s a good thing. What I’m sad to report is that Hyde’s tumor has grown back in the same spot it was originally. Cancer is crazy. His reports showed the margins were clear, the doctors reported they “got it all,” but somehow it’s right back where it was. I think in a way we’re lucky because now he doesn’t have a leg there to put pressure on it, so walking is much easier then it was a 4-legger. Frisbee Day- Happy Hyde

I can't wait to catch that Frisbee

I can’t wait to catch that Frisbee

Looking Handsome

Looking Handsome

We really have had some high-highs and low-lows this past week. Keeping our spirits up, take a look at his latest You-Tube Videos! Frisbee Fun and Loving the Ladies of the neighborhood!










Loving Forest-Frisbee Day

Loving Forest-Frisbee Day

Apr 30

The theme of this week has been “warrior spirit.” I shared with my Facebook page Hyde’s diagnosis, and just like this page, I’ve gotten nothing but love and support from all. One theme that’s come up time and time again is Hyde’s spirit, and mine. A friend said “always believe,” and that’s where I’m at with things….I’ve read a lot of different things (good and bad) and I believe that Hyde’s getting the best of the best. A plan that will make sure however long his life is, he’s happy and carrying on with his warrior spirit.

I spoke with my Natural Vet and had given her a list of 6 things I wanted to look into adding/changing with his current protocol. Here is what I sent her:

1. Artemismin

2. Molasses

3. Flaxseed Oil

4. Sanshedan ChuanBe/Ye

5. Xhu Fu ZhuTuTang

6. Zi ao Chai Hu Tang

The 3 Chinese Herbs/Formulas are things I read about working with dogs who have Lung Mets/Osteosarcoma.

Here is what she and talked about:

1. Artemisin (not scientifically proven, but there have been several studies with it working on both humans and dogs to treat/slow cancer growth).

Hyde is going to take 100mg 2x per day (as soon as our shipment comes in).

I read that Vitamin E should be added to a dog’s diet when taking Artemisin. The doctor said it’s to help absorb everything, but Hyde is already on 400mg a day and recommended would be up to 500mg a day, so he’s good.

2. She wasn’t familiar with the Sanshedan ChuanBe/Ye, but would be adding to her list of things to research.

3. He will start taking the Xhu Fu ZhuYuTang which is to help break up Lung Mets.

4. At this time Hyde should not take the Xi ao Chai Hu Tang- she said he didn’t meet the criteria for someone who needs this, or would benefit from it.

5. Flaxseed Oil – no harm in taking it, but less important than everything else since he’s already taking the fish/Krill oils.

6. Molasses (Black Strap) – He’ll begin taking 1tsp 1-2x per day .

7. Selenium – He’ll start taking this 100mg daily.

8. Vitamin A + Vitamin D. She found a combo pill for me that is 10,000 iu of A and 400 iu of D. He’ll take this 2x per day.

Everything we’re adding is to be added slowly, not to upset his stomach. I also bought a few things to add to his food. 1 is called “Dr Becker’s Veratol Solution Shaker.” and the other is called “Dr Becker’s Immune System Solutions Shaker.”

I’m not being unrealistic about our future, but he deserves every chance…that’s what  warrior does, they don’t give up! photo (18)


Apr 26

I honestly cannot believe I’m writing this message. I’m incredibly sad to be sharing this information, but I had to take Hyde to the vet yesterday because he coughed up some blood. (A very small amount). On Wednesday this past week (super late at night) he started coughing while he was eating a bone. I heard the cough again a couple times on Thursday. On Friday morning he didn’t want to go for a walk in the AM, only out to go to the bathroom and on our way back up the stairs he coughed and blood came out. My heart sank. Through all the research I’ve done, I had a feeling what the doctor would tell me, but wished more than anything I was wrong.

Hyde got chest x-rays and it looks like his cancer has spread. The vet and radiologist confirmed there are Mets in his lungs. They can be seen as the darker circles in the picture. The largest is the circle on the back end of the photo and there are some down in the front too.

There were no indications at the time of amputation surgery that the cancer had spread. I asked the doctor if he was surprised to see what he has seen and he said “Nothing with Osteosarcoma surprises me.”

I’m still not interested in doing any medically based treatments for him, so I asked that the doctor’s report be sent to the natural vet and when they open up on Monday we’ll discuss the next steps for Hyde Man. I found this article a while ago and I’m going to send it to my natural vet to have them look at the protocol listed for this dog. I don’t want to be unrealistic about our future, but if something worked for another dog, then it’s worth a shot in my eyes to find something for my Hyde that might work too.

Send him some love!

Chest X-ray 4-25-2014

Chest X-ray 4-25-2014

Apr 20

I recently signed up for the TriPawds Facebook page and one of the owners posted a picture/question what are some new habits of your tripaw? I had to think about things Hyde is doing and one of them is the increased need to roll and relax in the grass on our walks. He used to be super focused on walking and looking around. Now he seems to really enjoy every second of the walk, and finding new places to roll. You can see how happy he is by his pictures. One thing I think I’ve noticed is that he’s more aware of what’s going on around him. He’s always been very smart, very alert, but since amputation Hyde has followed trails with his nose on the ground, stopped and watched people enter/exit their cars and houses. He’s just more interested in everything that’s going on around him. He’s truly happy with his life. He’s wagging his tail in his dreams.

He and I went for our longest walk as a tripaw. We made it the distance I used to classify as “far” when we were 4-legged. We got 3/4 of the walk and that’s when we started rolling every 10 feet. It took a while for us to get home, but it’s like he doesn’t want his walks to end. He wants to be outside as much as he can be.
photo (13)photo (12)