Mar 15
Hyde Pod is doing great day 4! He ate a mix of his dog food and ground beef. Today is the first day, since a few weeks before surgery, that he would eat dog food. It’s like he didn’t want to be bothered before. Everyday he’s getting closer to his routine. He even wanted to go in the car for our usual Saturday morning drive today. (He didn’t get to go, but he wanted too…it’s the thought that counts!)
Mar 15

In 1.5 week’s time the tumor on Hyde’s shoulder blade (scapula) grew from invisible on the x-rays to a large grape. From the time he was diagnosed (Thursday) to surgery (following Tuesday) it grew even more. The tumor was pushing out on his muscles and caused his shoulder to look like this:
Mar 15
Hyde went into surgery on Tuesday, March 11. The doctor said it was about an hour long surgery. He spent the night at the vet and would come home when he was walking stable- it was all up to him on how fast he would push himself. Hyde dogg came home the next day around 11am. The nurse said he jumped up as soon as the cage opened and only hesitated to come up the step back into the vet office after going outside.
He was all smiles on the car ride home! Even wearing the dreadful cone!

Mar 13
Day 3- home from surgery:
Smiling Hyde is doing better and better each day. He greeted me at the door last night, wagging his tail and smiling! It’s the best feeling ever to see my pup happy again. He’s moving more, on three legs, then he did with 4, over the last month. Everyday I see him become more like himself, the prouder I am of making the decision to put him through surgery. His face says it all….he’s feeling good.